
Statement from President Scion and Minister of State Michael Webb

Please read this important announcement regarding the future of the server.
Posted on December 12, 2023

REPUBLIC OF MELONIA - Offices of the President and Ministry of State
The Future of the Server - December 12, 2023

Dear Melonian and Cieurnish Citizens and Leaders,

I, Michael Webb, as Minister of State of the Republic of Melonia, in conjunction with tz_scion, as President of Melonia, are writing this letter to inform both Melonian and Cieurnish citizens about the future of the Minecraft server and the Republic of Melonia itself.

On December 15 at 11:59 PM Central Standard Time, in approximately 3 days from this announcement being made, the Republic of Melonia and its corresponding server will be closed. There are many reasons why this is taking place. For one thing, there has been a lot on everyone’s plates lately, especially on the server admins who must remain active and correspondent to the demands of two separate nations with two very different ideals and goals in mind. The continued cost of operating a server this large also looms over it. Finally, in general, some prominent server members have outside issues they must tackle that would kill most activity on the Melonia front anyways.

With this, we have been in extensive talks with Cieurnish Kaijer Tava II vul Cieurnia, aka Bannerman regarding the future of various elements, such as the server’s map, Project Merchant, etc.

In terms of the world map, we will be sending a world backup, sans the Melonia City regions, to Bannerman to place the map on a brand new, Cieurnish-hosted server that will exclusively hold Cieurnish subjects. The Melonia City parts will be regenerated upon the new server being started up, and will likely be used for a future Cieurnish settlement, although that is not yet concrete or confirmed.

Project Merchant is a complex case. Since it has been built off of a combined economy, it may not be overly easy to separate. To combat this, we will simply be deleting most entirely Melonian-owned business/personal accounts unless they wish to join the Cieurnish Empire and start their businesses there. I will continue to host the Project Merchant bot on my cheap machine for the foreseeable future, but may in the future provide the original source code to Bannerman to use to host himself. If you don’t want your account(s) to be deleted, please DM me (TheRandomMelon/Michael Webb) ASAP.

The Republic of Melonia Discord server, websites, and the Melonia Civic Society wiki will all be archived and available to all to look back on memories and retain the year-and-a-half long history of this Republic. Until approximately the end of November 2024, the website and the wiki will be hosted, in a read-only state, on the regular Melonia.xyz and wiki.melonia.xyz domain names respectively. Past that point, they will be placed through the Internet Archive at archive.org, and possibly remain online on a different domain name, such as my personal one, TheRandomMelon.com.

Thank you all so much, from the bottom of my and Scion’s hearts, for playing on the server over these last eighteen months. It sounds corny, but I think we can all agree that we’ve all made memories here that will last a long time. There were highs, there were lows, but we always made it work, no matter what, and I’ll always treasure that. Thank you to the Cieurnish Empire for your diligent work and your dedication to the craftnation society. We’ll always remember that dedication and that work.

But unfortunately, no good thing lasts forever.

du ceus yt melonie (For the glory of Melonia). Makjor Cieurnata (Honor to the Cieurns).

President of the Republic of Melonia
Server Admin

Michael Webb
Minister of State of the Republic of Melonia
Server Owner